Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Health Checklist for Horses

Hello folks. I would like to tell you how I begin my work day with a check list on the health of each horse under my care. My first duty each morning is to examine the horses as they are being fed. It is very important to make a daily check each day of each horse. This is easy for me to do as I supervise each horse’s feeding. I go into the horse’s stall with one of my people and we examine each and every horse. We look for general things first, condition of body and coat, any nicks or cuts we should treat, that sort of thing. It’s also important to notice the horse’s appetite. Is he or she eager to eat or not. If not, check it out. A good appetite is a sign of good health in a horse.

The next thing we take a look at is the horse’s expression. The horse’s eyes and nose are checked as any discharge can be a sign of illness and must be tended to. If there is a discharge, we take the horse’s temperature. (I must admit, the horses accept this much better than I do if mine is taken!) If the horse has a temperature, we call the vet.

Next, we check the horse’s water. If the horse has left an unusual amount of hay or feed in their water bucket that can be a sign of a problem. The horse could be having problems swallowing their food. That could be a sign of anything from a sore throat to dental problems. This cannot be ignored.

More on the health checks for the horses a little later. I’ve got to run back to the barn.


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