Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Problem of the Bot Fly

Hello folks. Today I would like to talk about the problems that the bot fly presents. Bot fly is the common name for Gasterophilus, a parasite. Bot flies look like bees and they like to lay their eggs on a horse’s legs when the weather is very warm as it is in summer. Horses can ingest these eggs when they lick their legs causing the eggs to hatch. The bots then travel into the horse’s stomach attaching themselves to the stomach lining and live there until spring. The larva (which has grown much larger by this time) passes out through the horses manure and infects the ground. The larvae then hatch out into the pesky bot fly in late summer or even early fall.

These bot flies really annoy the horses under my care. I don’t like that at all and neither do the horses. It can make the horses down right dangerous to be around as they try to get away from these annoying pests.

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